A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... A teacher was on a long term substitute job. He had a student in his 5th grade class, who could not say "Mr. Husby" and the other students felt bad for him. So, they came up with a nickname for him. Mr. Tall guy did not work so the students looked at his BRIGHT yellow shoes and came up with "Mr. Banana Shoes." He thought it was a great name so he kept it. The only problem for him is trying to find yellow shoes.

He was born in Colorado.
He has a 9-year old niece who plays soccer
He was staff coach in Denver (2006-2019)
He went the Metropolitan State University of Denver
He coaches soccer for many years in Colorado
He enjoys hiking, biking, basketball, volleyball, soccer, lifting weights, and bowling (bowls a 150 average)
His favorite soccer teams are the USA women's and men's national soccer teams, Arsenal FC, Colorado Rapids, Barcelona, Netherlands and Norwegian national soccer teams. A new edition to his favorite list is New Mexico United.
His favorite sports teams are Colorado Avalanche, Denver Broncos, and Denver Nuggets